Fire Suppression Systems

E and S Hood Company is a certified and licensed Fire Suppression Company.

Design, Installation, Maintenance

You have a Kitchen Hood, now its time for your Fire Suppression System. E and S Hood Company will take the knowledge of your kitchen and outline the correct Fire Suppression System to meet your needs. Once installed, me personally meet with the Authority having jurisdiction in your area and certify the system with them present.



Our in-house CAD engineer will create a drawing showing you exactly what your system will contain. We do this for the customer and the State approval before any work is done.


Licensing Information

E and S Hood Company is licensed with the State of Indiana in Fire Suppression Systems.

  • LFC-000023

  • LFO-000250

  • International Code Council #10075824

    • Pre-Engineered Kitchen Fire Systems


Fire Suppression Systems

Burnette Hoods is certified on the following brands.

  • Buckeye Fire with Kitchen Mister

  • Pyro-Chem with Kitchen Knight


NFPA Fact Sheet

Contact us for a free estimate

Mitchell Burnette 317-459-3056